lunes, 16 de febrero de 2015

The Definitive Do's and Don'ts of Social Media Marketing

Mike Thompson editor de The Rivereast News Bulletin y Freelance Journalist junto con otros grandes tales como Paul Gillin (Periodista y consejero de empresas), Steve Goldner (Consultor ejecutivo de digital and social media marketing), Chaterine Gluckstein (Presidenta de SumAll) y Paige Musto (Manager de relaciones públicas de Act-On Software) nos dan más consejos de lo que se debe y no debe hacerce en la mercadotecnia por medio de las redes sociales. Tomen nota ;)

Do: Listen to- and engage- with your audience.

Don't: Be silent.

Do: Use free tools available to you.

Don't: Overinvest in one thing.

Do: Pay attention to the competition.

Don't:  Go overboard with self-promotion.

Don't : Think it's just marketing. 

Do: Know where your costumers go.

Do: Measure your social media's impact.

Do: Be prepared, have a plan and stick with it.

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